
Since 2015, Speak Fearlessly has specialized in helping professionals overcome speaking anxiety through virtual public speaking classes and personalized 1-on-1 coaching.

Do you:
- Struggle with confidence when speaking in front of groups
- Turn down professional opportunities because you know public speaking might be involved?
- Worry your career will hit a wall unless you learn to speak with confidence?
- Experience brain fog when trying to give a presentation?
- Lose sleep nights before having to give a speech?

With this work, you will:
- Discover hidden habits that increase speaking anxiety
- Learn techniques to relax and focus
- Develop skills to speak with credibility and charisma
- Learn to deliver a concise, persuasive message


Speak Fearlessly Intensive

Three-day virtual workshop designed to teach you the most vital skills necessary to mastering public speaking and feeling confident. You will practice with others and get expert coaching in this transformative intensive.

1-on-1 Coaching

Personalized coaching fine-tuned to your goals to accelerate your growth

Book your complimentary 30 minute

phone consultation

Speak With Distinction

Corporate Training

Do you have team members who:
  • Hold back in their participation?
  • Have difficulty engaging the crowd during presentations?
  • Turn down opportunities to present or speak up?
  • Struggle to communicate effectively in front of a group?
  • Seem like they’re hiding in their own skin when they speak?

With this training, they will:

Replace timidness with commanding presence

Make a lasting impression on their audience

Engage their audience with intrigue

Develop a voice that commands attention

Confidently offer their ideas for collaboration in meetings

Feel comfortable in their own skin while speaking

Get in touch to find out more about our corporate trainings.

"It was hours before my wedding, and I was so nauseous that I could hardly speak. Anxiety-induced nausea has been an issue I've been dealing with since I was 11. Years of medication and therapy have done little to alleviate the problem. In the past, public speaking would have prompted me to run to the bathroom and dry heave, but this time there was simply no urgency to do that. Minutes before walking down the aisle, it felt like the cord had been cut; there was no intensity and nothing to signal the puking reflex. Although I was still a bit uncomfortable, I was able to handle the ceremony and even recite my vows." - Cory T.

Book your complimentary 30 minute phone

Strategy Session.

Gain clarity about your speaking goals.
Discover what is holding you back.
Receive a plan of action to become fearless.

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