6 Ways to Raise Your Status During a Presentation

6 Ways to Raise Your Status During a Presentation

There is a pecking order in society, and like it or not, you rank somewhere on that order. People rank each other in status anywhere between high and low, and the ramifications of your status can be liberating or limiting. While it may seem unfair, this process is hardwired into … Read more

3 Ways To Recover From Mistakes During A Speech

3 Ways To Recover From Mistakes During A Speech

Worried you’ll make a mistake while public speaking? Maybe you’ll stutter, lose your train of thought, trip over the rug, or maybe you’ll accidentally leave your zipper down. It doesn’t always go as you rehearsed it. Humiliation surely awaits after mistakes happen. But does it have to? What if you … Read more

How Speech Anxiety Turns You Into Someone Else

How Speech Anxiety Turns You Into Someone Else

How Speech Anxiety Turns You Into Someone Else We all have a colleague who is normally comfortable, confident, and relaxed when speaking 1-on-1, but suddenly turns flat, monotone, and boring when they speak in public. What’s that all about? Why does public speaking suck our personality from our body like … Read more

Being a Perfectionist Makes Public Speaking Torture

Being a Perfectionist Makes Public Speaking Torture

…and I am a recovering perfectionist. There is a good chance that if you hate public speaking, you are perfectionist. You notice all your glaring mistakes like filler words or stuttering, you’re displeased with your word choices, or maybe you keep a running tally of all the yawns that occurred … Read more

Eliminate Filler Words While Keeping Your Sanity

Eliminate Filler Words While Keeping Your Sanity

So, uh… filler words are, like, the fastest way to um….destroy your credibility while public speaking. Almost everyone uses them too, even one of the greatest speakers of our generation: Barack Obama. But when used too often, it makes you seem lacking in confidence. Filler words can make the expert … Read more

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